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HeartBeat Project

Team Members

  • Amaducci Sara: - 0001024134
  • Neri Francesca: - 0001018826
  • Ricci Eleonora: - 0001018800

Our Project

Every year, in Italy, over 150,000 people are victims of sudden cardiac arrest. According to SIPREC (Società Italiana per la Prevenzione Cardiovascolare), the most frequent causes of death in Italy include ischemic heart diseases, cerebrovascular diseases and other heart diseases.

Defibrillating within 3-5 minutes of the onset of cardiac arrest can lead to survival by up to 50-70%. But if no one intervenes, their chances of survival drop 10-12% for every minute that passes.

In the event of a cardiac arrest, early intervention by people present on site, through the first resuscitation maneuvers and the use of semi-automatic defibrillators, can be decisive for the patient's survival.

The project HeartBeat aims at facilitating rapid defibrillation from publicly available Automated External Defibrillators (AED), through the creation of a system with the following functions:

  1. Register of defibrillators present in the territory
  2. Integration with the 118 Emergency Communications Center
  3. Register of the BLSD trained individuals in the region
  4. Integration and Development of the 118 Management and Cartographic System
  5. Web portal
  6. HeartBeat Mobile App

Purpose of the Project

The goal of the project is to minimize the time of intervention in the event of a cardio-respiratory arrest. Defibrillation is the only therapy to trait someone in cardiac arrest and represents one of the key steps in saving a life from sudden cardiac arrest.

The HeartBeat project aims at facilitating rapid intervention from trained individuals while waiting for the ambulance to arrive. This includes the creation of a unique register of defibrillators that stores data homogeneously in the territory.

At the same time, it aims at creating a network of first responders who, after the attainment of a qualifying certificate for the use of a defibrillator, enroll themselves in the register of the BLSD trained individuals and agree to intervene in case of a medical emergency.

Demo of the Project

Click here to see the demo of the project.

Last update: September 8, 2022 20:10:08
Created: August 2, 2022 21:07:20
Authors: Francesca Neri